According to the studies around one third of smartphone users immediately switches to another website if your site does not fulfill their needs. Around 64% change the website because of too many steps involved to do some action.
And the most important is, if your landing pages are not mobile-friendly, you will be losing visitors so the business.
You do lots of efforts from searching the right keywords, creating the best relevant ads, optimizing your campaigns to drive visitors to your website. But none of those matters if your landing pages aren’t mobile friendly and not turning your visitors into customers.
To help advertisers overcome this problem and improve performance on mobile devices, Google AdWords has rolled out a new “Landing pages” tool that will be available in the new AdWords Interface.
It is a new tab that will be available in the New AdWords Interface. On this new page, advertisers can see which URLs in your account are mobile-friendly, which ones are driving the most sales, and which ones may require your attention. For example, find the pages getting lots of clicks, but aren’t mobile-friendly. Then prioritize them for your webmaster so you can convert more of your ad clicks into sales.
Advertisers will get a snapshot of the following data in the “Landing pages” tab:
• Landing page URL
• Mobile-friendly click rate
• Performance metrics such as clicks, cost, conversion rate, etc.
Mobile-friendly Click Rate
The first metric you must look at is “Mobile-friendly Click Rate”. It is the percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page, as defined by Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. This metric can give you an estimate of which landing pages are performing well and offering the most or least mobile-friendly experiences.
Test for mobile friendliness
Advertisers can find which pages are not performing well and not optimized for mobile devices, by the “Mobile-friendly click rate” column. After identifying a landing page that needs attention, simply click to run a mobile friendliness test. AdWords will open up Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test in a new tab so you can review the potential issues.
The “Landing pages” page shows data for Search, Display and Video campaign landing pages; however, “Mobile-friendly Click Rate” is currently available for Search landing pages only.
Source: Google Adwords Blog